Thursday 24 March 2011

When I get bored I like to frighten Gangas.

Ok, So it's pretty douchey to just randomly start an enragement with some random for no reason. But I was bored and for some reason I had some ganga I have never met in my friends list. I wasn't in a bad mood, but I was pretty bored and I hardly ever get the chance to rip into some one like this and be a dick, or just freak them out (because I'm to nice to everyone >.>). So I took the chance and had a bit of fun talking to this fuckwit. 

Ganga: who the hell are you !
Me: I don't know... Well I do know who I am but if I just say my name is Toria that wont really help. Who are you?
            Ganga: well toria because you can't say anything that is totaly not random or even normal please stop commenting on my status ps I'm Obvs danni
Me: See, what you have done there is show me that this annoys you. So now when I get bored I'm going to do it MOOOORE! trololololololol! 
Ganga: ur head needs another shave love !           
Me: ‎... What does that even mean?
Ganga: n ur make up is over rated having black shit all the way down to ur eye? Hmm a very sexy look and all oh and another thing it doesn't annoy me its shameful ur commenting on my status
         Ganga: oh btw I wore black lipstick to once but that was on hallow ween
Me: ‎*No your makeup is overrated, having black shit all the way down your eye. Mmm a very sexy look. Another thing, it doesn't annoy me it's shameful that you're commenting on my status*
Me: ‎*Oh and by the way, I wore black lipstick once but that was on Halloween.*                       
Me: I don't care how I look, it makes me happy. But your spelling makes me the very opposite.
           Ganga: why cause I'm not a gothic nerd ! Pfft I have prediction text on my phone n it normaly does the words for me
Me: Your phone spells 'and' as 'n'? My bullshit meter is beeping. (Also I can't help but find it funny that the only two things you can find to insult me with is the fact that I'm more intelligent then you and that I'm confident with my appearance. You fail hardcore) Come on, insult me with some big words, hit me where it hurts if you can find the spot.           
Ganga: man I bet it feels good to walk down the street and make little kids cry? Ai or do you just eat them for breakfast

Me: OMFG YES! BOTH! Not even kidding, my boyfriend and me love scaring children! And scaring bogans! He put on lipstick one time and blew kisses at them and the homophobic shits freaked out. You have no idea how much joy we get out of it. Though that insult was a bit flat, I was really hoping you would take up my challenge of using big words. You mustn't know any.

         Ganga: EWWWW lesbian pedophile ! Omg delete delete delete before she plans a plot to go all pedo on me Haha           
Me: Pedophile, no. Lesbian..... Weeeeeeell gay sex is on my list of things to do. Gotta try every thing once ;P But you still haven’t used any big words.                       
Ganga: Omg pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo
Me: Mmmmmm smells like children.           
Ganga: pedo           

Me: Can you spell the full word for that?           
            Ganga: pedophile            
Me: ‎*claps!* Aaaaw I'm so proud of you! (Be honest... You used spell check, didn't you?)
Ganga: Naaaa I didn't ai some 15 year olds can spell love
Me: Naaaaw, how cute. 15. Your such a big girl! You spelled a big word all on your own! You should go print it off and run and show your mummy. She might put it on the fridge.           
Ganga: I just did she gave me a sticker :D dumb bitch !
Me: It's kind of sad that your mother keeps stickers on hand. It's like you're 5 years old.  
Ganga: Pfft honestly u must have some disability if u think I was being seriously quick go put some black shit
            On your face so ur brain starts thinking again you gothic freak            
Me: YOU must be seriously be retarded if you think my brain runs on black makeup. It runs on paint and the encouraging welts in which rise from the caring touch of a beautiful leather whip. ;)           
            Ganga: Jeezee what a life
Me: Oh you have no idea.
Ganga’s friend: oi what the fuck cunt dont talk to mi bffle like that cunt what the fuck is wrong with you your brain is fuckin dead so you should go and kill yourself NOW coz no one wants you here and we dont want you talkin to us about your fuck up irish whip
Ganga’s friend: fucked up ***\
Ganga: Yeh because hanging out with drug fucked gothic mental cases who pretend to be like a rockstar n pose around pretending to be drunk on one mouth full is a life ill pass on thanks but I'm sure ur mummy and daddy are very proud sweet heart
Ganga’s friend: ohhh shearded and walk along

         Me: Irish whip? Not only can you not spell but you can't read either. My dad was a bikey and we listen to Alice Copper together, and my mother is an art teacher and is relatively proud of my artistic skills. And I might like it if you lock me in a basement. ;)
           Ganga: EWWWW I'm 15 n aintt into gothic slut wanna bes like you now leave bitch leave           
Ganga: btw Idc what ur parents do Idc if ur mother and father is the king and queen
Me: I'm going to keep commenting until your idiocy ceases to amuse me. I wish my mother and father where of some high authority. I could buy sooo many corsets.
Unable to post comment. Try again

 (They blocked me)           
Ganga’s friend: oi like what the fuck aye braah ofcorse you would love it in da basement we might llock up your parents for letin you live buddy\   
Ganga’s friend: ‎?*


  1. i love you more as an individual for this.
    But my respect for humanity has gone WAAAAAAY down. I kind of want to cry and laugh at the same time.
