Tuesday 29 March 2011


WEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW! I finally finished my photography assignment! It took soooo long. I made a music video for Nancy boy by Placebo, interlay out of photographs and nothing else. Turned out pretty good though. On a different note I'M GOING TO KILL EVERY THING! Well not really. I'm not insane. And if I do snap one day I don't want people coming back and reading my blog and being all like "The warning signs were there all along". Though I can't see me snapping... Well, not soon.... But the reason why I want to stab stab stab is because I have had a headache for an entire week! It feels like I'm being stabbed in the eye. First people were like "It's because you're trying to give up caffeine"  so I went back to my usual 4 cups of coffee a day. Still has a headache. Then they were like "you're dehydrated" so I started drinking  bottle of water every day (which is more then usual because normally I would drink about that much in a week. I dislike it because it tastes like METAL. And we all know metal is only good for listening to and hurting people.) But I still have a headache, AND I am running to the toilet all the time to piss because of the ridiculous amounts of liquids I'm ingesting. Some one was like "YOU HAVE A TUMOUR!" I don't know how to tell if I do or not by my self, but I hope they're wrong... Then dad was like "YOU NEED GLASSES!" So I figure an actual doctor will know what to do. 

Today I was seeing doubles because it got so bad, so I went home after just one class. Then I slept. Oh how I slept. I feel a bit better now. But I almost died in the shower because I got dizzy and lost vision for a moment. But that aaaalways happens... Any how, I HAD A DREAM! I can't remember it, but I know it's there. But the other night I had a dream after watch the awful movie 'Vampire girl vs Frankenstein girl' (I highly recommend it). And my entire dream was in JAPANESE! Which is odd because I don't know Japanese, but real life had subtitles and there was a rock with pimples and people where vomiting blue EVERYWHERE! I'M REALLY FOND OF CAPS TODAY. IT MAKES ME SOUND LOUD EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN'T HERE ME. WHEN YOU READ THIS THE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD IS YELLING, ISN'T IT? Yeeeeeah, that's what I thought. Any how, I'm considering becoming some kind of God... But that's a story for another day. ZOOM! *brakes through roof* 

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