Friday 1 April 2011

The bucket list.

So the other day I actually go around to writing my bucket list, I have been meaning to do it for a while now. It was hard to remember every thing I wanted to put on it and I would reeeeally appreciate if no one judged me for it. Just saying. If you see something on my lift that insults you some how are you think is wrong, shut up you shouldn't be reading my blog if you get offended so easily. Ok, so here it is...

1) Shave my head. I'm pretty happy because I just did that about a month ago and got to raise money for cancer while doing it.

2) Get on a game show.

3) Meet Marilyn Manson (It only counts if I shake his hand).

4) Taste human flesh. (this is one of the don't judge me ones).

5) Dress up as a clown and ride a hot air balloon and rain candy down upon the city.

6) Gay sex (another don't judge me one, come on, you gotta try every thing once).

7) Go to Timbuktu. 

8) Get on the evening news for either a good or a bad reason (it doesn't matter, I just have to be the main subject :P)

9) Take some ones virginity. (Yet another don't judge me one!)

10) Shopping spree at Harajuku.

11) Get my tongue split. (I have been wanting that done since I was 8).

So there you have it, those are all the things I'm hoping to do before I die or just get too old and have children or some thing. I think most of those are pretty doable. Some will be hard, but that's one of the reasons I wrote it, to have really difficult goals so I feel amazing when I reach them. Because this is me we're talking about, and I get strangely committed to things when I really want them to happen. I don't know which one I should try for next though.

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