Saturday 2 April 2011

Bored rant.

So I'm uploading this video and it is taking a ridiculous amount of time, so while I have been waiting (for THREE HOURS!) I have been you tubing things. First I was you tubing Abos yelling at bogans, then random songs and banned childrens cartoons. But eventually I ended up watching videos from the Whitby gothic weekend. And it got me thinking about how boring things are here. I don't care if you know which country and which city I live in. I live in Canberra Australia. CANBERRA, the capital. The capital of Australia is not Sydney or Melbourne, it's CANBERRA. Any who... Yeah, if you plan on stalking me, good luck, you know my nickname and that I live in the capital of Australia.... Good luck finding me MWAHAHAHAHA! Ahem... Any waaaaaay. Canberra is really really boring. We have no alternative scene here. Well, ok we have a little bit of one, but only the kind of thing to keep you going till you can get some where that's actually fun. We used to have a gothic clothing store here, but it closed down... Probably because of people like me. I would go in, try things on to figure out what size was best, then find it on ebay for $150 cheaper. Keep in mind though I never had enough money to get it online either. The point is no one could afford anything from there. 

There are quite a few goths/ punks/ alternative characters lurking around Canberra, and yet there seems to be nothing for them. Rarely any good gigs, no clothing stores and nowhere to hang out other then houses and parks and what not. Kinda sucks. One thing there is a lot of for us here is threats. Most of the time the bogans and freshies are all just talk, but when you're a 15 year old girl alone at a bus interchange at night and 3 guys twice your size say they want to kill you, it's pretty fucking terrifying. (I'm a bit older now, but that really doesn't help most of the time). Some of the insults people come up with are pretty funny though. I will be walking down the street and I will here some idiot shout out "EMO!" That's the usual response. But I have been called some pretty funny things. Dracula, clown, mad scientist, witch, leso (I was called this while holding hands with my boyfriend, go figure) and many many more that I can't remember right now. The only thing you can really do unless you wanna get your face bashed in and your anus torn is plug in your ipod and ignore them. It's slightly worrying how fast the bogans breed. They have babies at 14 and just keep squeezing them out to get payments from the government, because my god getting a job is just too hard for the poor fuckers. Then they have 11 children to 5 different men, and that 11 have 14 children each to even more different people and before you know it they have lost track of who is related to who and they all become slightly inbred.  Grumble grumble grumble I hate them so much. 

*Siiiiiiiiigh* Why can't Canberra be more interesting? Why do we have to have so many bogans? Why is my collar bone bruised? Why is my video taking so long to upload? Well.... At least I'm really fucking attractive *looks off into distance*.

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