Saturday 23 April 2011

Drunk dickweeds.

It was my friend's 18th tonight and we all went out to a pub to celebrate the occasion. The night was fairly decent, but a couple of weird things happened. The first was two black guys that came over and sat with our group even though we had no fucking clue who they were. They started asking me and my boyfriend what gothic was. We weren't too bothered by it because they were being polite and genuinely curious. It got a little weird when they wouldn't go away and wanted to take photos of me, but it was all good and they were just harmless drunks. 

Later on in the evening when people started getting a little more drunk we were all sitting on this one table, and there was a group of guys at the table across from us. I was sitting next to my boyfriend, and yet one of the guys from the other table still tried to make a move on me *Grumble grumble grumble* He came over and started saying how he was so punk (but he really wasn't, he had blonde curlyish hair and was wearing a bright blue hoodie *facepalm*). He was talking about bands we had never heard of, we kinda just took his word for it they they were good bands. He started complementing me and sitting right up next to me. He was asking me how to "get into the scene" in Canberra. I told him that there wasn't really much of a scene here, and yet he continued to talk away bull shit about how punk he was. He kept saying to me that he wanted to meet some different kinda of people, "really alternative" he said. Shortly after he said that a group of three very interesting people walked past. One was insanely gay and dressed in head to toe black with bleach blonde hair, the other was an older woman wearing shiny things and the last was a tranny dressed as the Easter bunny. They were all very nice. The Easter bunny granted us Easer wishes and gave my boyfriend some tips for his makeup. She was really very nice, but the first thing the blonde "punk" guy sitting next to me said was "Egh, what freaks, that's rank. Why would they do that?"

I ignored him at the time but I'm still fucking fuming about it. How does he have the nerve to say to me that he wants to meet alternative people, then call some one like that a freak? Obviously he just wanted in on my pants, but still, what a fucking dick. You can't hit on a goth but refuse to befriend a tranny. Does he not know how closely the two are linked? After the Easter bunny and her friends went away, we got kicked out of the pub, but while I was getting my things, he came up to me and started asking if we could see each other again and if we could exchange numbers. Obviously I rejected him. 

It's people like that that I just can't stand. The worst thing is that I seem to attract people like that. Some douche bags must think 'I haven't fucked a goth before, I might give that a go' (Under the impression they have a chance). A lot of the times it's old men too. They think I'm a domenatrix or some prostitute (even though I show little to no flesh) and they come up to me and wink or perve one me or take photos with out asking. The worst was when some random asked me to come back to his place. I actually really hate it, I don't want to stop dressing the way I do, but I really want dickweeds to stop trying to get into my pants. IT's really scary some times when I'm on my own and some old guy tries to pick me up, it feels like He could just snatch ,e and no one would notice. 

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