Wednesday 6 April 2011

My dream life.

So, today while I was sitting through a very VERY boring AST thingy, I got thinking about silly things, as I do. You know, after I finished popping every joint I possibly could and finished talking to my pencil. I started thinking, what my perfect life would be like. So instead of actually doing the questions (it wasn't the real thing, I will try actually try later...) I went through the whole thing in my head. I will try to remember it. Here I gooooo! WEEEW!

So it all starts with me punching the teacher in the face. Not because I dislike her but because she was doing her job and making me sit quietly for too long. Then every one will cheer, then they will realise that they don't know why they are cheering so they will all start vomiting blue. I will be the only one in the school who doesn't vomit blue so every one will be like "GTFO!" And that's just what I will do. Then dramatic music will start and I will fly through the roof and smash as much stuff as possible on my way out. Then BOOM! I have babies with Marilyn Manson for some reason... But more importantly, the making of the babies... But this has to be in 2020. My goal is to make babies in 2020. I have no idea why. So in the mean time I will collect stuff from bins and dumps and make ridiculous art and sell it for prices much higher then what it's worth. I will set up lounge rooms EVERYWHEREIPOSSIBLYCAN! And I will move to Melbourne and by loads of pretty clothes and party at Dracula's! And drink lots and lots of absinthe. The 9 years will fly by in smudges of greeness and vomit! BOOM! I SUDDENLY BECOME A BUTCHER! And I spend all day chopping meat. But then I realise I have no need to chop meat because I can trade my amazing junk with pretty friends who also have amazing junk! All I will ever need will be in junk form, but that's ok because I'm amazing. Everything but the antiques, my God I will have SO MANY antiques! I loves them good. And that is when the Manson babies happen. But I don't like children much so I will give them away to a hungry hobo that lives under a bridge. My children will grow up to be rodents. RODENTS I SAY! AND THAT IS MY PERFECT LIFE. 

And now that I see it written down and not in images in my head that get interrupted by thinking about... Other things, I realise how silly it is. The funny thing is, when I was bored in the test today, this all seemed very possible. I'm silly. No, I'm fine. There isn't a single thing wring with me. It's the world that is silly, well actually, it's not silly enough. The world would be a much better place if it was more silly. Oh, I don't think I mentioned my future pig. I really do want a pet pig, like not kidding. It's name will be poppy seeds. But yeah... What was I saying? Uuuuummmm... All my gold fish die, I should never have children, I forget to feed myself, how could I ever look after another human? Well now that's why you give the kiddies away now isn't it? Yes mum. We should go now, maybe sleep or youtube things. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. GOODBYE! ....For now......

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