Sunday 29 May 2011

All my colours.

So basically I'm obsessed with my image. Not really in such an "oh my, I'm so pretty" kind of way, more just obsessive over clothes, hair and makeup. I wear makeup EVERY DAY, regardless of whether I'm leaving the house or not. I just dyed my hair a few hours ago and I have realised how often I change my hair. It's been long and short and curly and straight. Because I'm so very very bored, I'm going to post a little time line about the progression of my hair. Even though it might not be that interesting. 

 2009: So basically I just started getting into the whole goth thing, so I had basic black hair and a studded collar... Like the bad ass I am....
 Later part of 2009- Early 2010: Half red half black. And me having to colour co-ordinate EVERYTHING, I ended up with one red eyebrow and one black one and all the nails on on hand red and all the nails on the other black. Not to mention that now all of my clothes are red and black. Which is annoying. 
 Then I wore a bag for a while...
 2010: Then I got rid of the black and committed to the red side. But I had terrible re-growth.  And a needle apparently. 
 Then I was blonde for about 20 minutes before I dyed my hair a different colour. 
 Late 2010- early 2011: PURPLE! It gets on EVERY THING! Seriously, goths don't make everything in their houses black to be cool, it's a practicality thing. The dye shows up on everything but black. And even though it washes out of your hair so fast, it seems to be impossible to remove from walls, kitchens, ect. 
2011: I went blue. Other then purple, I think it was my favourite colour, but it was short lived because I'M A GOOD PERSON!
 And shaved my head to raise money for cancer....Bitches. 
And now I wear wigs all the time. But today I changed my hair AGAIN! It's some kind of mystery style that no one has seen yet! I feel a bit like a ninja. a rainbow ninja.... :D

And so there you have it, me posting lots of pictures of my self out of boredom and enjoyment of looking at myself. 


Saturday 21 May 2011

Bye bye.

I really don't like the idea of all good things coming to an end. Why do people say that? Do all good things really have to come to an end? I don't think they do. Why can't things just stay good? I would love for things to just stay how they are right now. Every thing is fine. It seems like every year I end up with a new set of friends, and all my old ones seem to fall off the face off the Earth. Some times I see someone I used to know and I think"They actually exist?!" because the memory of them is so blurry and warped that it's hard to believe I ever knew them. Maybe because I feel very different from how i used to be, and I am. 

There is a girl I was very good friends with long long ago. We weren't best friends, but we were pretty close I guess. Our school closed down and it seems like from the very first day at our new school she just disappeared. Though I don't blame her, I changed too and probably didn't seem like the kind of person she would want to be friends with any more. But the thing that gets me is that ever since then she hasn't spoken to me. If I try to talk to her she acts like she doesn't know me, if I walk past her and smile, she'll avoid eye contact. But the sad thing is she wasn't the first OR last person this has happened with. 

Every year it's a new set of friends and a new best friend. I've had the same best best friend since I was 4 years old, but we haven't gone to the same school since we were really little, so I have always had a best friend at school. Year 7 I was pretty close with this one girl, but she moved school when we got told our school would be closed in a year. I didn't see her again until last year. Year 8 I was close with a couple of people, but they all went when we moved school. Year 9 was this other girl from the new school. We were really close and did every thing together, but we had an unfortunate falling out. In year 10 we were still pretty close, but she kept moving in and out of town, so I become closer to someone I was already friends with. We're still pretty good friends, but now that we go to different colleges and hang out with very different groups, we sadly don't spend as much time together. I don't know who my closest friends from last year and this year are, though I have some brilliant friends at the moment. I don't think I could choose who I'm closest with. I don't want these friendships to end, everything is perfect how it is right now. I look forward at what my life will be like in two years, and I can't see most of the people I'm friends with now in my life then.

I plan on moving away next year, but I can see some drama happening before I do. I don't know why or what about, but things have been to calm for too long. I'm surprisingly fine with losing most of my friends, I think I've gotten used to it. Which is kind of sad. The one person I don't want to lose any time soon is my boyfriend. I'm with out a doubt closest to him (and I don't just mean physically). Not to be gewy or any thing, but I really don't know what I would do if we broke up. I hope he's in my future. I hope most of my friends are. 

Wednesday 11 May 2011


I haven't posted in a while. I might talk about that time I killed Hitler. He was all like "DON'T PUT EGGS IN THAT!' So I was like "FUCK YOOOOOOU!" Aaaaaaah, I'm tired. I have been doing lots and lots of school work. Like, writing a childrens book. I do like my book so far, but I'm worried my teacher will think it's too scary for little kids. 

CUNT IT'S COLD! fuck you winter! I had my first non-group belly dance performance. It was fun. I think me and my dance partner may have kicked arse. We were all like DANCE DANCE DANCE! All the other dancers said we did a really good job. Which is nice. It's all well and good for some randoms who know nothing about belly dance to tell you you did a good job. But when dance teachers and other really good dancers keep saying you did a brilliant job, it's a fucking good feeling. My leg is falling asleep. 

Do you see what I see? NO YOU CRAZY BITCH! I'll post more when I'm less tired, busy and retarded.

Monday 2 May 2011

Needs a gag.

So the last two weeks have been the school holidays. And in the school holidays one of my favourite things to do (other then get into mischief) is my boyfriend. (please excuse how forward that was, but this whole post is on the topic, so get used to it :P). Any how, so I was at his house for "dinner" and we were in his room. His room is a granny flat separate from the house, so we normally don't have any issues with privacy when his family knows I'm there. How ever this one time there was a bit of an issue. See I was really enjoying my self. Like REALLY enjoying my self because I was particularly loud. Which also has never been an issue. How ever his family must of decided to have dinner with the window open or something, because apparently while the family were sitting around the dinner table in silence, all the could hear was us. After a while his dad came down and nocked on the door. He was real angry, he drove me home and there was the worst awkward silence in the car, though we didn't know yet why he was so mad at us. (We had no clue how loud it was). Later on in the night my boyfriend texted me to tell me why his dad was so mad at us. I cracked up. To be honest, I'm not embarrassed by it at all, I don't even feel the slightest bit bad about it. His dad was the one who was the loser in the whole situation, getting all angry and awkward and what not. I love having funny stories like this, and oh my I have some good ones, but I'm  not sure if they're internet suitable. But any way, I was a tree today. It was awesome. 

And here is a completely unrelated video that I find greatly amusing. 

Pew! pew! pew! LAZORS!