Sunday 29 May 2011

All my colours.

So basically I'm obsessed with my image. Not really in such an "oh my, I'm so pretty" kind of way, more just obsessive over clothes, hair and makeup. I wear makeup EVERY DAY, regardless of whether I'm leaving the house or not. I just dyed my hair a few hours ago and I have realised how often I change my hair. It's been long and short and curly and straight. Because I'm so very very bored, I'm going to post a little time line about the progression of my hair. Even though it might not be that interesting. 

 2009: So basically I just started getting into the whole goth thing, so I had basic black hair and a studded collar... Like the bad ass I am....
 Later part of 2009- Early 2010: Half red half black. And me having to colour co-ordinate EVERYTHING, I ended up with one red eyebrow and one black one and all the nails on on hand red and all the nails on the other black. Not to mention that now all of my clothes are red and black. Which is annoying. 
 Then I wore a bag for a while...
 2010: Then I got rid of the black and committed to the red side. But I had terrible re-growth.  And a needle apparently. 
 Then I was blonde for about 20 minutes before I dyed my hair a different colour. 
 Late 2010- early 2011: PURPLE! It gets on EVERY THING! Seriously, goths don't make everything in their houses black to be cool, it's a practicality thing. The dye shows up on everything but black. And even though it washes out of your hair so fast, it seems to be impossible to remove from walls, kitchens, ect. 
2011: I went blue. Other then purple, I think it was my favourite colour, but it was short lived because I'M A GOOD PERSON!
 And shaved my head to raise money for cancer....Bitches. 
And now I wear wigs all the time. But today I changed my hair AGAIN! It's some kind of mystery style that no one has seen yet! I feel a bit like a ninja. a rainbow ninja.... :D

And so there you have it, me posting lots of pictures of my self out of boredom and enjoyment of looking at myself. 


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