Wednesday 11 May 2011


I haven't posted in a while. I might talk about that time I killed Hitler. He was all like "DON'T PUT EGGS IN THAT!' So I was like "FUCK YOOOOOOU!" Aaaaaaah, I'm tired. I have been doing lots and lots of school work. Like, writing a childrens book. I do like my book so far, but I'm worried my teacher will think it's too scary for little kids. 

CUNT IT'S COLD! fuck you winter! I had my first non-group belly dance performance. It was fun. I think me and my dance partner may have kicked arse. We were all like DANCE DANCE DANCE! All the other dancers said we did a really good job. Which is nice. It's all well and good for some randoms who know nothing about belly dance to tell you you did a good job. But when dance teachers and other really good dancers keep saying you did a brilliant job, it's a fucking good feeling. My leg is falling asleep. 

Do you see what I see? NO YOU CRAZY BITCH! I'll post more when I'm less tired, busy and retarded.

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