Wednesday 29 June 2011

Little blue pills

So I was at school hanging in the common room when I noticed there was a big arse crate in the courtyard, so I went over to investigate. There was some chick in it that I hate, and she was eating all of the purple grapes. Every time she ate more grapes she got bigger and started glowing. I needed some of the grapes so that I wouldn't turn into dust, but they tricked me! The rich asian from  the computer room and the pretty girl asking for me to sign something. All a ruse! They made me look away while the fat bitch ate all the purple grapes for herself! They gave me a jar of little glowing blue pills and told me they were even better then the purple grapes. I took them one buy one as I walked down the street. Which street I do not know and where I was going I did not know. But I ended up in a shopping centre where I saw a butchery that took my fancy. I went in and saw spectacular lightning on the ceiling. How odd I thought, but I couldn't stop looking at it. It was hypnotic, the way it broke up and chased it's self with out dying. It was SO FUCKING beautiful! The butcher looked at me funny with his little black beady eyes. It didn't take long for my little brain hamster to push the button for my common sense to kick in. He couldn't see it. I was tripping. THOSE BITCHES! The little blue pills! They weren't like grapes at all! I had been drugged! OH MY! 

I walked through the shiny shopping centre, but things started getting funny. There was a glass store at the end of a long corridor that was breathing heavily. It was inviting me in. It wanted me inside of it, fiddling with it's pretty glass bowls and vases. But my hands were made out of literal butter and they would all smash. IT WAS A TRAP! I stormed away from the tempting and somewhat sexually attractive store and munched on my little blue pills in disgust. Why the fuck was I still eating them? They made the grass smell like pancakes. Maybe I like things this way, but maybe things were even more baderer then usual! So I ended it. I flew into the sky.  

Sunday 29 May 2011

All my colours.

So basically I'm obsessed with my image. Not really in such an "oh my, I'm so pretty" kind of way, more just obsessive over clothes, hair and makeup. I wear makeup EVERY DAY, regardless of whether I'm leaving the house or not. I just dyed my hair a few hours ago and I have realised how often I change my hair. It's been long and short and curly and straight. Because I'm so very very bored, I'm going to post a little time line about the progression of my hair. Even though it might not be that interesting. 

 2009: So basically I just started getting into the whole goth thing, so I had basic black hair and a studded collar... Like the bad ass I am....
 Later part of 2009- Early 2010: Half red half black. And me having to colour co-ordinate EVERYTHING, I ended up with one red eyebrow and one black one and all the nails on on hand red and all the nails on the other black. Not to mention that now all of my clothes are red and black. Which is annoying. 
 Then I wore a bag for a while...
 2010: Then I got rid of the black and committed to the red side. But I had terrible re-growth.  And a needle apparently. 
 Then I was blonde for about 20 minutes before I dyed my hair a different colour. 
 Late 2010- early 2011: PURPLE! It gets on EVERY THING! Seriously, goths don't make everything in their houses black to be cool, it's a practicality thing. The dye shows up on everything but black. And even though it washes out of your hair so fast, it seems to be impossible to remove from walls, kitchens, ect. 
2011: I went blue. Other then purple, I think it was my favourite colour, but it was short lived because I'M A GOOD PERSON!
 And shaved my head to raise money for cancer....Bitches. 
And now I wear wigs all the time. But today I changed my hair AGAIN! It's some kind of mystery style that no one has seen yet! I feel a bit like a ninja. a rainbow ninja.... :D

And so there you have it, me posting lots of pictures of my self out of boredom and enjoyment of looking at myself. 


Saturday 21 May 2011

Bye bye.

I really don't like the idea of all good things coming to an end. Why do people say that? Do all good things really have to come to an end? I don't think they do. Why can't things just stay good? I would love for things to just stay how they are right now. Every thing is fine. It seems like every year I end up with a new set of friends, and all my old ones seem to fall off the face off the Earth. Some times I see someone I used to know and I think"They actually exist?!" because the memory of them is so blurry and warped that it's hard to believe I ever knew them. Maybe because I feel very different from how i used to be, and I am. 

There is a girl I was very good friends with long long ago. We weren't best friends, but we were pretty close I guess. Our school closed down and it seems like from the very first day at our new school she just disappeared. Though I don't blame her, I changed too and probably didn't seem like the kind of person she would want to be friends with any more. But the thing that gets me is that ever since then she hasn't spoken to me. If I try to talk to her she acts like she doesn't know me, if I walk past her and smile, she'll avoid eye contact. But the sad thing is she wasn't the first OR last person this has happened with. 

Every year it's a new set of friends and a new best friend. I've had the same best best friend since I was 4 years old, but we haven't gone to the same school since we were really little, so I have always had a best friend at school. Year 7 I was pretty close with this one girl, but she moved school when we got told our school would be closed in a year. I didn't see her again until last year. Year 8 I was close with a couple of people, but they all went when we moved school. Year 9 was this other girl from the new school. We were really close and did every thing together, but we had an unfortunate falling out. In year 10 we were still pretty close, but she kept moving in and out of town, so I become closer to someone I was already friends with. We're still pretty good friends, but now that we go to different colleges and hang out with very different groups, we sadly don't spend as much time together. I don't know who my closest friends from last year and this year are, though I have some brilliant friends at the moment. I don't think I could choose who I'm closest with. I don't want these friendships to end, everything is perfect how it is right now. I look forward at what my life will be like in two years, and I can't see most of the people I'm friends with now in my life then.

I plan on moving away next year, but I can see some drama happening before I do. I don't know why or what about, but things have been to calm for too long. I'm surprisingly fine with losing most of my friends, I think I've gotten used to it. Which is kind of sad. The one person I don't want to lose any time soon is my boyfriend. I'm with out a doubt closest to him (and I don't just mean physically). Not to be gewy or any thing, but I really don't know what I would do if we broke up. I hope he's in my future. I hope most of my friends are. 

Wednesday 11 May 2011


I haven't posted in a while. I might talk about that time I killed Hitler. He was all like "DON'T PUT EGGS IN THAT!' So I was like "FUCK YOOOOOOU!" Aaaaaaah, I'm tired. I have been doing lots and lots of school work. Like, writing a childrens book. I do like my book so far, but I'm worried my teacher will think it's too scary for little kids. 

CUNT IT'S COLD! fuck you winter! I had my first non-group belly dance performance. It was fun. I think me and my dance partner may have kicked arse. We were all like DANCE DANCE DANCE! All the other dancers said we did a really good job. Which is nice. It's all well and good for some randoms who know nothing about belly dance to tell you you did a good job. But when dance teachers and other really good dancers keep saying you did a brilliant job, it's a fucking good feeling. My leg is falling asleep. 

Do you see what I see? NO YOU CRAZY BITCH! I'll post more when I'm less tired, busy and retarded.

Monday 2 May 2011

Needs a gag.

So the last two weeks have been the school holidays. And in the school holidays one of my favourite things to do (other then get into mischief) is my boyfriend. (please excuse how forward that was, but this whole post is on the topic, so get used to it :P). Any how, so I was at his house for "dinner" and we were in his room. His room is a granny flat separate from the house, so we normally don't have any issues with privacy when his family knows I'm there. How ever this one time there was a bit of an issue. See I was really enjoying my self. Like REALLY enjoying my self because I was particularly loud. Which also has never been an issue. How ever his family must of decided to have dinner with the window open or something, because apparently while the family were sitting around the dinner table in silence, all the could hear was us. After a while his dad came down and nocked on the door. He was real angry, he drove me home and there was the worst awkward silence in the car, though we didn't know yet why he was so mad at us. (We had no clue how loud it was). Later on in the night my boyfriend texted me to tell me why his dad was so mad at us. I cracked up. To be honest, I'm not embarrassed by it at all, I don't even feel the slightest bit bad about it. His dad was the one who was the loser in the whole situation, getting all angry and awkward and what not. I love having funny stories like this, and oh my I have some good ones, but I'm  not sure if they're internet suitable. But any way, I was a tree today. It was awesome. 

And here is a completely unrelated video that I find greatly amusing. 

Pew! pew! pew! LAZORS! 

Saturday 23 April 2011

Drunk dickweeds.

It was my friend's 18th tonight and we all went out to a pub to celebrate the occasion. The night was fairly decent, but a couple of weird things happened. The first was two black guys that came over and sat with our group even though we had no fucking clue who they were. They started asking me and my boyfriend what gothic was. We weren't too bothered by it because they were being polite and genuinely curious. It got a little weird when they wouldn't go away and wanted to take photos of me, but it was all good and they were just harmless drunks. 

Later on in the evening when people started getting a little more drunk we were all sitting on this one table, and there was a group of guys at the table across from us. I was sitting next to my boyfriend, and yet one of the guys from the other table still tried to make a move on me *Grumble grumble grumble* He came over and started saying how he was so punk (but he really wasn't, he had blonde curlyish hair and was wearing a bright blue hoodie *facepalm*). He was talking about bands we had never heard of, we kinda just took his word for it they they were good bands. He started complementing me and sitting right up next to me. He was asking me how to "get into the scene" in Canberra. I told him that there wasn't really much of a scene here, and yet he continued to talk away bull shit about how punk he was. He kept saying to me that he wanted to meet some different kinda of people, "really alternative" he said. Shortly after he said that a group of three very interesting people walked past. One was insanely gay and dressed in head to toe black with bleach blonde hair, the other was an older woman wearing shiny things and the last was a tranny dressed as the Easter bunny. They were all very nice. The Easter bunny granted us Easer wishes and gave my boyfriend some tips for his makeup. She was really very nice, but the first thing the blonde "punk" guy sitting next to me said was "Egh, what freaks, that's rank. Why would they do that?"

I ignored him at the time but I'm still fucking fuming about it. How does he have the nerve to say to me that he wants to meet alternative people, then call some one like that a freak? Obviously he just wanted in on my pants, but still, what a fucking dick. You can't hit on a goth but refuse to befriend a tranny. Does he not know how closely the two are linked? After the Easter bunny and her friends went away, we got kicked out of the pub, but while I was getting my things, he came up to me and started asking if we could see each other again and if we could exchange numbers. Obviously I rejected him. 

It's people like that that I just can't stand. The worst thing is that I seem to attract people like that. Some douche bags must think 'I haven't fucked a goth before, I might give that a go' (Under the impression they have a chance). A lot of the times it's old men too. They think I'm a domenatrix or some prostitute (even though I show little to no flesh) and they come up to me and wink or perve one me or take photos with out asking. The worst was when some random asked me to come back to his place. I actually really hate it, I don't want to stop dressing the way I do, but I really want dickweeds to stop trying to get into my pants. IT's really scary some times when I'm on my own and some old guy tries to pick me up, it feels like He could just snatch ,e and no one would notice. 

Thursday 21 April 2011


Whoa it's really late! Or is it really early? ONLY I KNOW! *shifty eyes* SO, I was thinking before (as I do) And I was asking my self, my very pretty self, what sums me up? See I'm a belly dancer and I have been trying to think of a stage name that would suit me. I had originally considered Lilith, but that's very typical of a goth. And typical I AM NOT! *CAPS CAPS CAPS!* ANY WAY!... What was I saying.. Oh yes, a name. I needed to come up with a name that sums me up perfectly, so I ses to Toria (me) I ses, WHat one thing is you incarnate? Then it hit me! BOOM! I got punch buggied! But that's off topic! FUNGUS! I thought to my self. GOOGLE AWAAAAAY! I looked up Fungus... Then mushrooms... Then glowing mushrooms... My name is now Mycena Lux. Fear Mycena Lux! The discombobulated goodness of gothic belly dance that glows like the shrooms I am!

I REALLY REALLY LIKE CAPS! IT'S EASTER SOON AND I HAVE TO GO VISIT SOME RELATIVES! THEMS OLD! Soooooo old >.> CUNT! I never found out what happened to that hobo I used to talk to! I think he might be dead. OH WELL, BACK TO CAPS! NOW IT SOUNDS LIKE I'M YELLING... Even though there is no sound at all (it's all in your head)..... I HATE PANTS! THEY TAKE TOO LONG TO RIP OFF ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE! NO ONE SHOULD EVER WEAR PANTS! I know I don't *wiggles eyebrows* Fuck, I don't have any eyebrows.. :(

I'M GOING TO GO CATCH Z'S NOW BECAUSE I'M NOT QUITE FEELING MYSELF. And I mean that in the sense that I'm feeling more strange then usual, not that I'm not touching my privates... Because I am... Always.... In public. It's why I wear such a big coat. I kid I kid, vaginas disgust me, which will make crossing gay sex off my bucket list very difficult... GOODNIGHT SWEET PRINCE! ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz...........

Sunday 17 April 2011


Ever since I was 8 years old I have wanted this done. When ever I tell people about how I want it done, they are always like "Ew! That's so freaky!" or "You'll regret it when you're older." That's the one I hate the most. How do they know I might regret it? They don't have a clue what I'll be like when I'm older. I have been hanging out for this for 10 years and if I can get the money, I can get it done next year. I don't think I would regret it at all. I'm the kind of person who likes having something a little bit different. I always have.  And when I'm old I can be the crazy cat lady that lives down the street with a snake tongue that all the kiddeis thinks is a witch. I can't wait for that. I can feel the seam in my tongue where it would be split. It bugs me. It's just useless flash with no nerves. It's just asking to get cut! It will be amazing. 

On a different subject. HOLIDAAAAAYS! No more school for me! Well, not for aanother two weeks any ways. The point is I can have fun. I was thinking of holding a party some time in the holidays. The theme will be role reversal pimps and hoes. So the chicks will be the pimps and the guys will be the hoes. Because when ever I plan any thing it ALWAYS ends in cross dressing.... I WISH I HAD MORE WIGS! They are fun. 

*Sigh* One day I will have many wigs and trannies and a split tongue and everything I know will be fantastic. ^-^

Monday 11 April 2011

There is indeed a BIG difference.

As anyone who knows me knows, I hate being called emo. (which happens a lot). In fact, pretty much all goths don't like being called emo and for a fair enough reason that emo is a completely different subculture. Some people actually don't know the difference, like the girl in my media class last year. We were learning about stereotypes and the teacher was writing them all up, but the teacher said that goth was not a stereotype (which it really is. Trust me). The girl sitting in front of me then said "They don't call it goth anymore, it's called emo now. Goth is the old name for it". When I said that wasn't true and that I was goth, she gave me a dirty look and said "What ever" as if I knew nothing about the subject. So for the very few people who might actually end up reading this, I'm going to educate you. (even if you're not a dipshit like that girl) Let me start with the stereotypical emo.

Emo started out as a music genre in the earlier part of the 2000's, but then turned into a style of clothing. The original emo look was moody 14 year olds dressed head to toe in black. Black converse, black skinny jeans, black band shirts of shitty emo bands, snakebite lip piercings, black hair with a side fringes (red streaks are considered acceptable among these creatures) and the cherry on top of the black sad cake, the shittaly applied pander eyeliner that they are so well known for. They are kind of like gothlings that are too frightened to go the full way. The stereotypical emo is one that comes from a middle class to well off family but complains about everything and cuts them selves for attention that they claim they don't want. They consider them selves to be the acceptation to the rules of school uniforms, chores, ect. As time went on the style changed. Black nail polish, black and white stripes and the odd colour here or there become popular amongst the angsty young community. Once coloured skinny jeans started mixing into the style, the whole emo thing started to evolve. Suddenly there was this whole new bread of scene kids. It's pretty much the same as emo except with bigger hair and everything HAS to be brightly coloured. Though skinny jeans, heavy eyeliner, band shirts and side fringes stayed. But scene kids are a whole other thing I might write about when I get bored. Now here is a picture of a classic emo kid.

Now for what goth is. Goth evolved from punk in the early to mid 80's. It started out as a darker version of punk but caught on pretty fast and started changing as time went on. It has been running strong for about 30 years now and there are ridiculous amounts of variations of goth. There is cyber goth, victorian goth, industrial goth, fetish goth, cabaret goth and trad goths, just to name a few. Because there are so many different types of goth it leave room for the individual to mix and match and leave their own mark on it, but it also makes it hard to explain what exactly goth is. The main things that make a goth a goth, I suppose is mostly black clothing, very very white skin, and extravagant hair and makeup. Corsets are very popular mostly as womans clothing but also occasionally as mens clothing and boots are a must. Some goths like wearing short tight things and some like myself, like to wear long flowy things that cove most of their body. It's a tricky thing to explain, but the stereotype of mopey goths that hate sunlight and joy is an unfair one. Most of the goths I have met other the ones that give into that ridiculous stereotype, are really nice people. A tad odd, but nice. I think the best description I have heard of what the subculture is built up of is "finding beauty in places there seems to be none." And that's exactly it. Thinking a dead dog or cracked building or rusted syringe is pretty is all apart of it. Goth is a particularly accepting subculture in that sense which makes it easy to give into and stick with. Some people love it so much that it becomes a life style (me being one of those people) and do what ever they can to look their best and to look out for each other. Unless that one person is a dick. Theres always one >.>    Below is a picture of a goth. NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE!   

kaythanksbye! :)

Wednesday 6 April 2011

My dream life.

So, today while I was sitting through a very VERY boring AST thingy, I got thinking about silly things, as I do. You know, after I finished popping every joint I possibly could and finished talking to my pencil. I started thinking, what my perfect life would be like. So instead of actually doing the questions (it wasn't the real thing, I will try actually try later...) I went through the whole thing in my head. I will try to remember it. Here I gooooo! WEEEW!

So it all starts with me punching the teacher in the face. Not because I dislike her but because she was doing her job and making me sit quietly for too long. Then every one will cheer, then they will realise that they don't know why they are cheering so they will all start vomiting blue. I will be the only one in the school who doesn't vomit blue so every one will be like "GTFO!" And that's just what I will do. Then dramatic music will start and I will fly through the roof and smash as much stuff as possible on my way out. Then BOOM! I have babies with Marilyn Manson for some reason... But more importantly, the making of the babies... But this has to be in 2020. My goal is to make babies in 2020. I have no idea why. So in the mean time I will collect stuff from bins and dumps and make ridiculous art and sell it for prices much higher then what it's worth. I will set up lounge rooms EVERYWHEREIPOSSIBLYCAN! And I will move to Melbourne and by loads of pretty clothes and party at Dracula's! And drink lots and lots of absinthe. The 9 years will fly by in smudges of greeness and vomit! BOOM! I SUDDENLY BECOME A BUTCHER! And I spend all day chopping meat. But then I realise I have no need to chop meat because I can trade my amazing junk with pretty friends who also have amazing junk! All I will ever need will be in junk form, but that's ok because I'm amazing. Everything but the antiques, my God I will have SO MANY antiques! I loves them good. And that is when the Manson babies happen. But I don't like children much so I will give them away to a hungry hobo that lives under a bridge. My children will grow up to be rodents. RODENTS I SAY! AND THAT IS MY PERFECT LIFE. 

And now that I see it written down and not in images in my head that get interrupted by thinking about... Other things, I realise how silly it is. The funny thing is, when I was bored in the test today, this all seemed very possible. I'm silly. No, I'm fine. There isn't a single thing wring with me. It's the world that is silly, well actually, it's not silly enough. The world would be a much better place if it was more silly. Oh, I don't think I mentioned my future pig. I really do want a pet pig, like not kidding. It's name will be poppy seeds. But yeah... What was I saying? Uuuuummmm... All my gold fish die, I should never have children, I forget to feed myself, how could I ever look after another human? Well now that's why you give the kiddies away now isn't it? Yes mum. We should go now, maybe sleep or youtube things. I dunno, we'll see how it goes. GOODBYE! ....For now......

Monday 4 April 2011

Street art?

This morning I came into school at 7:30am and set up a lounge room from the 1970's in one of the corners in the common room. I had a working TV and every thing. People were utterly confused, and it was fantastic. Now I kind if want to set up a couch and some other things in the common room to make it feel a bit more homey. Also for a long time now I have wanted to set up a lounge room in one of the parks my friends and I hang out in. A rug, a couch, a white picket fence, a mailbox, lanterns, ect. I'm reeeaaaally keen. I also want to set up a kitchen in the art room at school. I'm thinking if I ever find some one with a big car or some thing, I will go around with them and collect as much junk that has been left on the side of roads as possible. Old chairs and stuff like that, then go around to random places in Canberra and set up lounge rooms. Words cannot describe how much I want this to happen. I could have soooo many places set up. I don't mind if people vandalise them or steal stuff, I just like the idea of collecting all the junk and doing something fun with it. I would take a photos and make a whole portfolio of how a got every thing organised and photos of the final result. 

I wonder if this is illegal? It probably is but I hope it's not. Maybe I could just say it's "street art" and get away with it. But hay, wouldn't I be helping? It's a nice thing to do, I'm not just dumping things and making a mess, it's the kind of thing that would brighten some ones day if they saw it when they were feeling shit, I'm also making rood use of junk people were just going to leave out to rot. Also, I'm giving homeless people a more comfortable place to sleep. Oh well, even if some how I get reported (that's if some one takes the time to find out who has been setting up lounge rooms and take the time to report me) would I really get in that much trouble? Eh, it's a fun idea. If I ever get the chance to do it I will. Hmmmmmmmm, Coco pops help me think. *munch munch munch* 

Saturday 2 April 2011

Bored rant.

So I'm uploading this video and it is taking a ridiculous amount of time, so while I have been waiting (for THREE HOURS!) I have been you tubing things. First I was you tubing Abos yelling at bogans, then random songs and banned childrens cartoons. But eventually I ended up watching videos from the Whitby gothic weekend. And it got me thinking about how boring things are here. I don't care if you know which country and which city I live in. I live in Canberra Australia. CANBERRA, the capital. The capital of Australia is not Sydney or Melbourne, it's CANBERRA. Any who... Yeah, if you plan on stalking me, good luck, you know my nickname and that I live in the capital of Australia.... Good luck finding me MWAHAHAHAHA! Ahem... Any waaaaaay. Canberra is really really boring. We have no alternative scene here. Well, ok we have a little bit of one, but only the kind of thing to keep you going till you can get some where that's actually fun. We used to have a gothic clothing store here, but it closed down... Probably because of people like me. I would go in, try things on to figure out what size was best, then find it on ebay for $150 cheaper. Keep in mind though I never had enough money to get it online either. The point is no one could afford anything from there. 

There are quite a few goths/ punks/ alternative characters lurking around Canberra, and yet there seems to be nothing for them. Rarely any good gigs, no clothing stores and nowhere to hang out other then houses and parks and what not. Kinda sucks. One thing there is a lot of for us here is threats. Most of the time the bogans and freshies are all just talk, but when you're a 15 year old girl alone at a bus interchange at night and 3 guys twice your size say they want to kill you, it's pretty fucking terrifying. (I'm a bit older now, but that really doesn't help most of the time). Some of the insults people come up with are pretty funny though. I will be walking down the street and I will here some idiot shout out "EMO!" That's the usual response. But I have been called some pretty funny things. Dracula, clown, mad scientist, witch, leso (I was called this while holding hands with my boyfriend, go figure) and many many more that I can't remember right now. The only thing you can really do unless you wanna get your face bashed in and your anus torn is plug in your ipod and ignore them. It's slightly worrying how fast the bogans breed. They have babies at 14 and just keep squeezing them out to get payments from the government, because my god getting a job is just too hard for the poor fuckers. Then they have 11 children to 5 different men, and that 11 have 14 children each to even more different people and before you know it they have lost track of who is related to who and they all become slightly inbred.  Grumble grumble grumble I hate them so much. 

*Siiiiiiiiigh* Why can't Canberra be more interesting? Why do we have to have so many bogans? Why is my collar bone bruised? Why is my video taking so long to upload? Well.... At least I'm really fucking attractive *looks off into distance*.

Friday 1 April 2011

The bucket list.

So the other day I actually go around to writing my bucket list, I have been meaning to do it for a while now. It was hard to remember every thing I wanted to put on it and I would reeeeally appreciate if no one judged me for it. Just saying. If you see something on my lift that insults you some how are you think is wrong, shut up you shouldn't be reading my blog if you get offended so easily. Ok, so here it is...

1) Shave my head. I'm pretty happy because I just did that about a month ago and got to raise money for cancer while doing it.

2) Get on a game show.

3) Meet Marilyn Manson (It only counts if I shake his hand).

4) Taste human flesh. (this is one of the don't judge me ones).

5) Dress up as a clown and ride a hot air balloon and rain candy down upon the city.

6) Gay sex (another don't judge me one, come on, you gotta try every thing once).

7) Go to Timbuktu. 

8) Get on the evening news for either a good or a bad reason (it doesn't matter, I just have to be the main subject :P)

9) Take some ones virginity. (Yet another don't judge me one!)

10) Shopping spree at Harajuku.

11) Get my tongue split. (I have been wanting that done since I was 8).

So there you have it, those are all the things I'm hoping to do before I die or just get too old and have children or some thing. I think most of those are pretty doable. Some will be hard, but that's one of the reasons I wrote it, to have really difficult goals so I feel amazing when I reach them. Because this is me we're talking about, and I get strangely committed to things when I really want them to happen. I don't know which one I should try for next though.

Tuesday 29 March 2011


WEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW! I finally finished my photography assignment! It took soooo long. I made a music video for Nancy boy by Placebo, interlay out of photographs and nothing else. Turned out pretty good though. On a different note I'M GOING TO KILL EVERY THING! Well not really. I'm not insane. And if I do snap one day I don't want people coming back and reading my blog and being all like "The warning signs were there all along". Though I can't see me snapping... Well, not soon.... But the reason why I want to stab stab stab is because I have had a headache for an entire week! It feels like I'm being stabbed in the eye. First people were like "It's because you're trying to give up caffeine"  so I went back to my usual 4 cups of coffee a day. Still has a headache. Then they were like "you're dehydrated" so I started drinking  bottle of water every day (which is more then usual because normally I would drink about that much in a week. I dislike it because it tastes like METAL. And we all know metal is only good for listening to and hurting people.) But I still have a headache, AND I am running to the toilet all the time to piss because of the ridiculous amounts of liquids I'm ingesting. Some one was like "YOU HAVE A TUMOUR!" I don't know how to tell if I do or not by my self, but I hope they're wrong... Then dad was like "YOU NEED GLASSES!" So I figure an actual doctor will know what to do. 

Today I was seeing doubles because it got so bad, so I went home after just one class. Then I slept. Oh how I slept. I feel a bit better now. But I almost died in the shower because I got dizzy and lost vision for a moment. But that aaaalways happens... Any how, I HAD A DREAM! I can't remember it, but I know it's there. But the other night I had a dream after watch the awful movie 'Vampire girl vs Frankenstein girl' (I highly recommend it). And my entire dream was in JAPANESE! Which is odd because I don't know Japanese, but real life had subtitles and there was a rock with pimples and people where vomiting blue EVERYWHERE! I'M REALLY FOND OF CAPS TODAY. IT MAKES ME SOUND LOUD EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN'T HERE ME. WHEN YOU READ THIS THE VOICE IN YOUR HEAD IS YELLING, ISN'T IT? Yeeeeeah, that's what I thought. Any how, I'm considering becoming some kind of God... But that's a story for another day. ZOOM! *brakes through roof* 

Thursday 24 March 2011

When I get bored I like to frighten Gangas.

Ok, So it's pretty douchey to just randomly start an enragement with some random for no reason. But I was bored and for some reason I had some ganga I have never met in my friends list. I wasn't in a bad mood, but I was pretty bored and I hardly ever get the chance to rip into some one like this and be a dick, or just freak them out (because I'm to nice to everyone >.>). So I took the chance and had a bit of fun talking to this fuckwit. 

Ganga: who the hell are you !
Me: I don't know... Well I do know who I am but if I just say my name is Toria that wont really help. Who are you?
            Ganga: well toria because you can't say anything that is totaly not random or even normal please stop commenting on my status ps I'm Obvs danni
Me: See, what you have done there is show me that this annoys you. So now when I get bored I'm going to do it MOOOORE! trololololololol! 
Ganga: ur head needs another shave love !           
Me: ‎... What does that even mean?
Ganga: n ur make up is over rated having black shit all the way down to ur eye? Hmm a very sexy look and all oh and another thing it doesn't annoy me its shameful ur commenting on my status
         Ganga: oh btw I wore black lipstick to once but that was on hallow ween
Me: ‎*No your makeup is overrated, having black shit all the way down your eye. Mmm a very sexy look. Another thing, it doesn't annoy me it's shameful that you're commenting on my status*
Me: ‎*Oh and by the way, I wore black lipstick once but that was on Halloween.*                       
Me: I don't care how I look, it makes me happy. But your spelling makes me the very opposite.
           Ganga: why cause I'm not a gothic nerd ! Pfft I have prediction text on my phone n it normaly does the words for me
Me: Your phone spells 'and' as 'n'? My bullshit meter is beeping. (Also I can't help but find it funny that the only two things you can find to insult me with is the fact that I'm more intelligent then you and that I'm confident with my appearance. You fail hardcore) Come on, insult me with some big words, hit me where it hurts if you can find the spot.           
Ganga: man I bet it feels good to walk down the street and make little kids cry? Ai or do you just eat them for breakfast

Me: OMFG YES! BOTH! Not even kidding, my boyfriend and me love scaring children! And scaring bogans! He put on lipstick one time and blew kisses at them and the homophobic shits freaked out. You have no idea how much joy we get out of it. Though that insult was a bit flat, I was really hoping you would take up my challenge of using big words. You mustn't know any.

         Ganga: EWWWW lesbian pedophile ! Omg delete delete delete before she plans a plot to go all pedo on me Haha           
Me: Pedophile, no. Lesbian..... Weeeeeeell gay sex is on my list of things to do. Gotta try every thing once ;P But you still haven’t used any big words.                       
Ganga: Omg pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo
Me: Mmmmmm smells like children.           
Ganga: pedo           

Me: Can you spell the full word for that?           
            Ganga: pedophile            
Me: ‎*claps!* Aaaaw I'm so proud of you! (Be honest... You used spell check, didn't you?)
Ganga: Naaaa I didn't ai some 15 year olds can spell love
Me: Naaaaw, how cute. 15. Your such a big girl! You spelled a big word all on your own! You should go print it off and run and show your mummy. She might put it on the fridge.           
Ganga: I just did she gave me a sticker :D dumb bitch !
Me: It's kind of sad that your mother keeps stickers on hand. It's like you're 5 years old.  
Ganga: Pfft honestly u must have some disability if u think I was being seriously quick go put some black shit
            On your face so ur brain starts thinking again you gothic freak            
Me: YOU must be seriously be retarded if you think my brain runs on black makeup. It runs on paint and the encouraging welts in which rise from the caring touch of a beautiful leather whip. ;)           
            Ganga: Jeezee what a life
Me: Oh you have no idea.
Ganga’s friend: oi what the fuck cunt dont talk to mi bffle like that cunt what the fuck is wrong with you your brain is fuckin dead so you should go and kill yourself NOW coz no one wants you here and we dont want you talkin to us about your fuck up irish whip
Ganga’s friend: fucked up ***\
Ganga: Yeh because hanging out with drug fucked gothic mental cases who pretend to be like a rockstar n pose around pretending to be drunk on one mouth full is a life ill pass on thanks but I'm sure ur mummy and daddy are very proud sweet heart
Ganga’s friend: ohhh shearded and walk along

         Me: Irish whip? Not only can you not spell but you can't read either. My dad was a bikey and we listen to Alice Copper together, and my mother is an art teacher and is relatively proud of my artistic skills. And I might like it if you lock me in a basement. ;)
           Ganga: EWWWW I'm 15 n aintt into gothic slut wanna bes like you now leave bitch leave           
Ganga: btw Idc what ur parents do Idc if ur mother and father is the king and queen
Me: I'm going to keep commenting until your idiocy ceases to amuse me. I wish my mother and father where of some high authority. I could buy sooo many corsets.
Unable to post comment. Try again

 (They blocked me)           
Ganga’s friend: oi like what the fuck aye braah ofcorse you would love it in da basement we might llock up your parents for letin you live buddy\   
Ganga’s friend: ‎?*